
Guru Parampara

“Even if the entire Earth is turned into paper, All the trees are turned into pens, The water of the seven oceans is turned into ink, It will not be possible to narrate the greatness of Satguru”

Swami Shree Gangadhar Tirth Ji Maharaj

The ancient Saktipat system of yog begins from Swami Shree Gangadhar Tirth ji. From there it continues with Swami Narayan Dev Tirth ji. Swami Narayan Dev Tirth Ji Maharaj passed the tradition of Siddh Mahayog to Shree Joginder Vigyani ji maharaj. Shree Joginder Vigyani ji maharaj passed this tradition onto Gurudev Shree Harbans Lal Sharma ji maharaj. Gurudev Shree Harban Lal Sharma ji maharaj passed on this tradition to Shree Deepak Yogi ji maharaj. He passed this pious tradition to his disciple Gurudev Shree Madan Gautam ji maharaj. Gurudev ji passed this tradition to Gurudev Shree Yogi Sadhak ji maharaj.

Swami Shri Narayan Dev Tirth Ji Maharaj

Param Guru Shri Swami Narayan Dev Tirth JI is well known as the redeemer and the rejuvenator of the lost and disappearing divine science of Kundalini Awakening through the Shaktipat Initiation. He was born in 1870 in a poor family of village (Mandrasar) Binotia in Bengal state of former East India, presently known as Bangla Desh.

Swami Shri Yogender Vigyani Ji Maharaj

Shree Yogender Vigyani ji,  originally known as Daya Shankar, was born in Junagar, Gujarat at the beginning of the present century. The exact place of birth of Shri Joginder Vigyani ji Maharaj is not known since he was always reluctant to give any details about his private life. He confined himself to talking about yog practices, devotion and spiritual advancement.

Gurudev Shree Harbans Lal Sharma Ji Maharaj

Shree Harbans Lal Sharma ji a grahast yogi was from hapur (Distt. U.P.) . Gurudev Practised his yog practises in the world and open the doors of MOKSHA for the grahast people

Gurudev Shree Deepak Yogi Ji Maharaj

Perfect Disciple of worldly Saint Gurudev Shree Harbans lal Sharma ji ,  Shree Deepak Yogi JI Practised Kundalini arousal , hypnotism and para-physiological powers. One of the fifty yogi’s chosen from all over the world bt the international kundalini research centre, Switzerland , for kundalini research attended the NRI’s conference in Mauritius as a member of the delegation from the international co-operation board to devote one’s knowledge to the welfare of all the creatures appeared to him as the eternal mission of life. Author of ANAM YOGI KI DIARY ,  SIDDHA’S IN THE HIMALAYAN and published articles in various papers and magazines.  He was the founder of President of the International Parapsychology Institute and imparted knowledge and know how to the truth seekers for union with self world over.

Gurudev Shree M.M. Gautam Ji Maharaj

After the attainment of MAHA SAMADHI ( Nirvikalp Samadhi ) of Shree Deepak Yogi JI Maharaj , The mission is being carried forward by his successor Guru and Spiritual Guide , Gurudev  Shree Madan Mohan Gautam Ji. Shree Madan Mohan Gautam Ji is a Family Saint and currently working at a reputed designation under Govt. Service.

Gurudev Shree Yogi Sadhak Anand Ji Maharaj

By the Blessings and Guidance of Gurudev  Shree Madan Mohan Gautam Ji Maharaj, Gurudev Shri Yogi Anand Ji Maharaj is serving the society on the path of meditation . He is a Spiritual Guide and Guru.